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Parshas Lech Lechu
Cheadle, Manchester

The Shabbos was a celebration of song, dance and beautiful unity between the two groups, but it really didn’t feel like two groups at all. Everyone got on so well with each other, with the Yeshurun members going out of their way to make their guests feel at home. The TCUK members all commented on how welcoming and friendly the Cheadle community was, and in return, they appreciated how accepting and open the Chassidim were, which to some was unexpected. As with each TCUK Shabbos, many myths were dissipated and barriers broken when the two groups realised that, as Jewish people, our similarities are far greater than our differences. The differences are mainly external, but inside, we are all brothers and sisters and can all get along together.

 Brondesbury Park, UK

Brondesbury Park United Synagogue in Northwest London welcomed special guests for Shabbos. ‘The Travelling Chassidim’ brought their trademark Chassidic warmth and liveliness with them. The group of men and ladies (and a baby!) came to share their love of Yiddishkeit with the BPark folk. It allowed the Brondesbury Park community to learn about a different approach to authentic, undiluted Judaism

Toronto, Canada
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Toronto, you were next. Home to the famous Jewish philanthropists, we couldn’t leave you out of our route.  Here is what one of the participants enthused:

“She told me this was the best Shabbos and the most uplifted and connected she’s ever felt (EVER!).

It’s really so beautiful. It made my heart so full to see everyone dancing and really enjoying. It’s an experience that so many would never have because we really don’t have such a chassidic community in Toronto. Very special. I heard so many people saying things like “they’re all so friendly and fun and I thought it was a stand-offish community.” It really dispelled what many think about the chassidic world.”


Oh, Canada!!!!!

We packed up our bags and we came. And we are so glad that we did. Visiting your capital city Ottawa was a wonderful experience. We got such a warm welcome from our fellow brethren. It was the neighborly thing to do and we can’t wait to do it again.

Mezuza Party

Protection. Don’t we all crave that feeling of security? 

A mezuzah is hung on the doorpost of every Jewish home. It symbolizes the lifestyle of its inhabitants. Traveling Chassidim celebrated the hanging up of such mezuzahs in one Jewish home in New City, NY and they presented the nice Jewish lady with a mezuzah shaped cake. She gained the greatest form of protection she could ask for.

Challos Distribution

The sweet delicious tantalizing taste of fresh-out-of-the-oven, homemade challos. Lovingly baked by the Chassidim volunteer bakers. Collected, packed up in Shabbos bags and distributed to families that may not have experienced the sweet taste of Shabbos in their homes yet, is an effort that probably deserves its own article. If you would like to be added to our distribution list to receive homemade challos weekly please contact us

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Rabbi Noah Weinberg (as Wikipedia refers to him) was a legend who transformed the trajectory of klallyisroel in a way that had an infinite effect on tens of thousands of yidden of the 20th century. His Yahrtzeit was celebrated by one of his avid talmidim, Rabbi Aryeh M. Royde of Monsey, NY this year in a beautiful display of “finding pleasure in Hashem’s world” with both body and soul. Sadly, we learned, during the time of drafting this newsletter of the passing of his esteemedRebbetzin Deena Weinberg. May her neshamarest in peace for all the holy work she accomplished during her lifetime.


Traveling Chassidim and Pennsylvania have a long history together. We’ve met many years ago and it almost feels like coming home again every year. After an awe-inspiring Shabbos spent with many new connections and bonds formed amongst the participants. Havdalah was made with a special silver wine cup that belongs to Dr. Mel Twersky, who inherited it from Trisker Maggid, the founder of the dynasty of Chernobyl. Many sentimental and significant stories are told about this special silver wine cup.


The greater Leeds community has just enjoyed a beautiful, inspiring Shabbos arranged by the Leeds community Kollel. 

The congregants of the various shuls in Leeds, as well as the kollel families, were all invited to join in the special Shabbos with the well-known Travelling Chassidim, where unity, joy and classic Jewish spirit were once again the trademark themes of the day. Approximately 300 people participated in the Shabbos events in total, including some kollel families who used to live in Leeds, and have since moved to Manchester or Gateshead, who came back to Leeds to join this special Shabbos.

For many people, the highlight of Shabbos was the havdala ceremony with accompanying concert, also in Eitz Chaim. Everyone in the hall had their own candle, and as each candle was lit from the one before it, the darkened room gradually filled with the beautiful light of over one hundred havdala candles, clearly symbolizing how we all spread light to each other, and around the world.


Olney, you stole our hearts. Right from the start. The sweet Yidden that we met left an indelible impression for a lifetime. We are so grateful that we chose your community for one of our excursions.

Denver Colorado 2021

Robert Kahn,

We missed you. So we went back for a visit.

We spoke to Robert about lighting Shabbos candles and this is what he responded with:

 “What a blessing it was to hear your voice before Shabbos began. These are my Shabbos candles that I lit. And I will light them every Shabbos.”

No further questions for you Dear Denver.

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