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Some of the memorable moments of late...

The Traveling Chassidim at Woodside Park - London 2014

Woodside Park was very excited to welcome back by popular demand this famous group of Chassidic families from New York, who travel to different communities, bringing with them classic Chassidic warmth and liveliness.

The combination of contemporary Jewish songs, traditional Yiddish classics and heartwarming Chassidic storytelling was captivating, for all age groups.

We experienced Candle lighting and Friday night service, Friday Night Dinner followed by a Friday Night Tisch, "Chassidic" Lively shabbat davening, Shabbat morning service, Shabbat Mincha, Community lunch with Bnei Akiva with activities for children of all ages, Communal Seudah, Rabbi Hackenbroch in conversation with the Chassidim with Q&A, ma'ariv finishing with a Musical havdala and “kumsitz”. Take a look.

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The Shabbos Project 2014

The great Havdalah Experience culminating this historic Shabbos - featuring TTC. No Words!

The Holy Belzer Violinist

TTC featured a special guest at the Motse Shabbat event. Historic!


​TTCand New Citys' Temple Dudes joined together with a crowd of about 200 in a beautiful Chanukah Celebration. Grand!

Lag B'Omer

TTC with Ezra Academy. The event ended on a HIGH!! at Lag B'Omer celebration with the Grand Rebbe of Nikolsburg. Spiritual!

The IDF Shabbaton

TTC building bridges. A genuine display of Jewish Unity and Ahavat Yisrael. Moshiach!


TTC featured a special guest at the Motse Shabbat event. Great!

Shabbos In The Shtetl

Fans-and-friends from all over the Country spend a Shabbos with TTC in their Shtetl of Monsey. Unforgettable!

Shabbat In London

Havdalah excerpts @ Woodside Park Synagogue. Massive!

RAJE Philly Shabbaton

Havdalah after an amazinge Shabbos with the R'ussian A'merican J'ewish E'xperience Students from the greater Philadelphia area. Beautiful!

Chassidim @ SUNY Albany

​An outburst of Simcha after an amazing TC shabbaton on campus. Wild!

Lag B'omer in Cleveland, OH

All of the Beachwood-Area Shuls and Outreach Organizations gather together to a grand Shabbaton with TTC. Huge!  

Chanukah Havdalah in Philly

Snippets of the closing to another exciting and inspiring Shabbat at the Aish center in Philadelphia, PA. Awesome!​

Shabbos W.O.W.

TTC in Baltimore with young professianals, participants of the WOW program @ Eitz Chaim Center. Cool!

Shabbat Of Unity

Havdalah excerpts @ Kew Garden Hill & Queens Valley Communities Shabbat Inspire. Fantastic!

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